Fingerprint Reader & Scanner
Biometric fingerprint reader or scanner is certainly the most appreciable achievement of this technology, which is sprouting as a breakthrough in security provisions. Based upon storing and comparing the key points of one's fingers these devices have proved their potential in areas like access control and employee attendance management. With advanced functionality and dedicated performance a fingerprint scanner can be the best choice for your organizational security.
Fingerprint Door Lock
Fingerprint door lock or biometric lock is one of the most favourable security products, based upon fingerprint analysis procedure. Offering top-notch replacements to traditional locks and keys, these devices can secure your assets as well as people living in the house. With the ever-rising crime rate, you can rely upon fingerprint door lock to construct a security shield at your doorsteps. Different manufacturers are constantly upgrading the features of these safety devices, so that they can provide you with peace of mind.
Face Recognition
Face recognition is becoming popular with companies suffering from loss of information and decrease in productivity due to inappropriate security measures. At the same time, big organizations, airport and other high-alert areas are also developing fondness towards the technology. Face recognition technology is indeed the most appreciable application of biometrics, as it offers significant improvement over existing security products.
Biometric Signatures
Biometric Signatures are based upon recording various characteristic of one's signing style to carry out the process of identification in the future. Amount of pressure employed, angle of writing, formation of letters and other traits, which are categorized as behavioral biometrics, form the basis of biometric signature recognition technlogy. Dedicated algorithms are employed by biometrics devices to create templates using these recorded chahracteristics and thus, we have an advanced and full-proof security control system.
Biometric Mouse
Biometric mouse was an unimaginable devices few years back, but with the advent of biometrics in different walks of live, computer accessories like keyboard and mouse were also installed with biometrics security. From fingerprint recognition to encryption of files and folders, security of your computer is commanded with such a mouse in your hand. Installing this device at your desktop adds a new layer of security, which is much deserved by your computers.
Hand Scanner
Hand scanner works by creating and storing the templates of hand geometry in a biometric device, which are later used for identification and verification processes. Used mainly as employee attendance clocks, these devices have completely changed the scene of business organizations. Due to its association with biometric technology, a hand reader is capable of providing accurate results.
Voice Recognition
Voice recognition or speech recognition is a type of behavioral biometric technology, which is used to identify a user, with the help of pre-stored voice templates in the biometric device. Every individual has a distinct voice structure, which is based upon a number of characteristics. With the help of voice recognition technology, a number of devices have been manufactured to provide security at homes as well as offices. It is impossible for intruders and housebreakers to tamper with this technology and thus, you can rely upon voice recognition systems for maintaining high-level security.
Fingerprint Reader Keyboard
Fingerprint reader keyboard allows you to protect your most sensitive computer passwords and other data by asking for a biometric-based authentication. If you are not the authorized user, you won’t be allowed to access a computer or laptop. The working of a fingerprint reader keyboard is similar to any other biometric device designed to offer biometric security. Being appreciated by personal computer owners as well as big organizations, the products are fast becoming a common name for advanced security and access control.
Biometric Sensor
Biometric sensor combines the physical traits of human body with digital technology to give birth to biometric security. These semiconductor devices are provided with template database and algorithms to match live biometric samples with those stored in the database. Needless to say, various fields around us have been touched by the usefulness of these devices and more application areas are being discovered. Tagged as state-of-the-art biometric devices, you can depend upon them for high recognition accuracy.
Iris Scanner & Recognition
Iris Scanner & Recognition: Physical biometrics has been making use of various physical traits of human body, including fingerprints, hand geometry, vein structure and so on. A relatively new and comparatively accurate concept employed in this direction is that of iris recognition. The biometric samples are captured using a device called iris scanner, which is a sophisticated piece of modern technology. With all good advantages, these products are surpassing other biometric products.
Biometric Software
Biometric software is the dedicated set of procedures installed in biometric hardware to make them work in the direction of achieving sophisticated technology. From biometric fingerprint scanner to iris scanner and all other devices, these software programs control various functions and algorithms from creating templates to matching samples during live user identification and authentication. Different from normal security programs, software designed for biometrics allow flawless procedures to make the functioning of hardware smooth.